can be configured as a send server in FileMaker Pro. Go to the Mail…
List of email servers and compatible apps
We have identified all possible uses for other than through conventional messaging software.
This list was compiled exclusively from positive feedback from our customers or tests carried out by us. It is not exhaustive. The advantage of a private SMTP server is that it does not restrict the connection, so compatibility is universal.
- PHP (easiest: via a phpMailer-type bookstore)
- Asp
- Java
- c #
- Perl (via net:SMTP class)
- Python
- Filemaker
- Windev
- Joomla
- WordPress (via a WP-SMTP plugin that redirects all emails sent by your plugins to your private SMTP server, we use this solution ourselves)
- Prestashop
- Magento
Email servers
- Microsoft Exchange
- Postfix
- Zimbra
- Dolibarr
- good
- Microsoft Dynamics
- Maximizer
- Email-Marketing: Interspire
- Press Relations: RP PRO 2018